January 19, 2011 Accomack County Board of Supervisors Regular Monthly Meeting
Accomac Board Chambers, Accomac, Virginia
Agenda materials and audio recording of this meeting may be found through this link:
Present: D. Hart (Chair) L. Gordy. Wanda Thornton, Ron Wolff, Steve Mallette, S. McCaleb, J. Gray, S. Mears, G. Chessor.
County Attendees: Steve Miner, County Administrator , Mark Taylor, County Attorney, Mike Mason, Finance Department, Stewart Hall, and Tom Brockenborough
Audience: 50+ members.
Mr. Kevin Pettit discussed disposition and other concerns. He is member of school’s alumni. Alumni considered possibilities for paying for costs of operation. He does not want community disrupted due to housing at school. He wants school to be community center for local area for after school programs.
Mr. Mark Taylor discussed agenda packets about the disposition of school, and in particular its relationship as county property. He recommends a closed session for discussing the procurement of county property.
Closed session was the consensus of board. Motion was made and approved to move to closed session to discuss disposition of school. Board goes to closed session.
Meeting called back to order. Mr. Gray wants to make three motions: 1. County takes title from school board. Motion made and approve. 2. Decline offer to make housing available at school. Mr. Crockett indicated that concept by builder was reasonable. He was concern about level of public interaction involving offer. Motion made to decline offer, approved.; 3. Authorize county administrator to donate school to Mary N. Smith alumni association for use of school property. Motion is made. Board of Supervisors (BOS) compliments the alumni for their action on this matter. Motion is approved.